Air and Exhaust Gas Properties V1.2
Air and Exhaust Gas Properties is an MS Windows application that calculates the properties of air/exhaust gases within a wide range of pressure and temperature. It may be used for analyzing a number of energy conversion units used in power plants and HVAC, such as gas turbines, compressors, boilers and heat exchangers. The accompanied help file "Thermodynamics online help" gives a brief description of these components. The results of the program can be transferred to the other Windows application, such as spreadsheets for further calculation. The user may choose the desired units for different input or output data.
Download Air and Exhaust Gas Properties, about 372 kb.
Air and Exhaust Gas Properties is a Windows program. In order to install the program:
If you wish to test the program "AIRPRO.EXE" in diskette directly without installation, the diskette should not be write protected. Air and Exhaust Gas Properties saves the latest changes to input fields and default units and whenever you start you can begin where you finished last time.
You may integrate Air & Exhaust Gas Properties into your application. A demo of DLL version of Air & Exhaust Gas Properties (air.dll 16-bit and air32.dll 32-bit) is also included in the shareware package. Detailed instructions and sample file for MS Excel users included. Registered users will receive a complete DLL version of Air and Exhaust Gas Properties which can be integrated into spreadsheets, Pascal, Delphi and C/C++ applications. Complete instructions for integration into MS Excel are included in the shareware package. The setup program enables the user to choose the units for the input and output of the DLL version. For downloading sample files, please visit our help desk.
Before registering our software, please check that everything works on your computer. Both 16-bit and 32-bit DLLs are provided in the shareware version. If there is any problem, do not hesitate to contact us.
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